Often times I am asked, "How do you pack it?," when people see a bombilla (bohm-bee-ya) for the first time. They think it is a cool pipe, when in fact it is a metal drinking straw used to drink yerba mate. Yerba mate (mah-tay) is a popular tea native to subtropical South America. It is prepared by steeping the dried leaves in hot water. Drinking mate with friends from a shared hollow gourd is an extremely common social practice in Argentina. It is used in popular medicine as a STIMULANT to the nervous system, a diurectic, and an appetite suppressant. People in the states are FINALLY catching onto yerba mate's healthy properties and inexpensive price.
For more info, check out :: http://www.YerbaMateLovers.etsy.com
Cactus Gallery has an assortment of beautiful handmade gourds, bombillas and four different types of yerba mate tea imported from the motherland, Argentina. A typical set runs you $20-22 and a fancy set goes for $40-45. Do something good for your body today - start drinking mate!